Here is a lovely book quilt that a wonderful woman by the name of Corinne Bantle put together. Corinne sent dozens of authors and illustrators pre-cut patches and asked us all to create a square. She reports that "The quilt went into the Saskatoon Quilt Show on October 19/20. Seemed to be a lot of interest from people that were at the show. I have a friend who is working for the Saskatchewan Literacy Network and they are having their conference in a couple of weeks - she's asked to have the quilt hanging during their two day conference. In 2009 the quilt will be featured at the Grace Campbell Gallery (at our public library) during Canadian Children's Book Week [November]. Also in 2009 the Canadian Quilt Association Quilt Show will be in Saskatoon - and I plan to put the quilt in that show as well." See if you can pick out the author versus illustrator squares! (Thanks to Corinne for the pictures and all her hard work.)
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