Yep, it's Teen Lit Day today, and there is no shortage of ways to celebrate. For ideas on how to make this day rock, check out YALSA (Young Adult Library Services).
Meanwhile, readergirlz, one of my favorite blogs, have come up with a pretty cool way to get the word out. It's called Rock the Drop! Here's what you do.
1. Visit their site (the link is above)
2. Download the same bookplate I've snagged below
3. Print it
4. Paste it into your favorite YA novel
5. Drop the book in a public place (bus stop, coffee shop, etc.
6. Snap a photo
7. Send it on over to readergirz AT gmail Dot com
8. check out their site to see the YA love
9. Thank the cool ladies at readergirlz
10. spread the word

Here's my contribution. I left it in the lobby of my local rec. centre and it was gone when I finished my workout an hour later. I know that whoever has it will enjoy Miss Smithers by Susan Juby.
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