I went to hear Lois Lowry speak in Vancouver a few days ago and she was awesome. She talked about the way in which serendipitous events in her life have sparked books like The Giver and Number the Stars and Autumn Street. It was fascinating to discover that part of the inspiration for The Giver came from her experience with her aging father who could remember her older sister, but did not remember that she had died. It led her to ask herself a what if question of the sort that many authors find themselves asking. In this case, it was What if one person were responsible for keeping the memories of a community? She talked about the way in which a books often changed kids' lives; one of the reasons she became a children's writer. There is no question that Lowry has changed many many lives with that book alone.
It was also delighted to hear her read from her new book The Willoughby's and I look forward to reading it. Clearly Lowry has a talent for capturing a child's perspective whether drama or humor.
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