The theme this past spring for Nami Island's second annual international Children's Book Festival in Korea was"Journeys of the Imagination." The idea of this IBBY sponsored event was "... to evoke the notion that every child can travel around the world in their imaginationon and through books and dream of a peaceful future in which they meet each other are are friends." I was delighted to hear that IBBY Canada had included Waiting for the Whales, my first picture book in the exhibition that respesented Canada. The other 9 titles included are:
Florence et la Sainte-Catherine by Lysette Brochu and Chrisian Ouesnel
Le Chandail de Hockey by Roch Carrier and Sheldon Cohen
La grandmere by d'Aputik by D Groulx
Dragonfly Kites by Tomson Highway and Brian Deines
NothernLights: The Soccer Trails by Michael Kusugak and Vladyana Kyrorka
A Big City ABC by Allan Moak
Tiger's New Cowboy Boots by Irene Morck and Georgie Graham
Glaire's Gift by Maxine Trottier and Rajka Kupesic
Ghost Train by Paul Yee and Hrvey Chan
To find out more about IBBY Canada (Canadian member of the International Board on Books for Young People) check out their website. They do great work.