Yesterday morning I had a surprise visit from Andrea and David Spalding from Pender Island. They were on their way to an appointment, so the visit was short and sweet, but so nice to see them. They were just back from The Yucatan in Mexico, and we traded travel stories before they rushed off.
After a full day of work, I took Ruby for a quick walk before I headed downtown to pick up Ann Walsh, a writer and editor from Williams Lake who is in town for a mon
th reprieve from the snow. We had a hilarious adventure trying to figure out the GPS (neither of us had our reading glasses) and arrived late at our Island CWILL meeting (CWILL being Children's Writers and Illustrators).
I so love kid's writers. No one was phased by our late arrival. Such a wonderfully supportive group. It was good to see Michelle Mulder whose social justice books for kids are really filling a void as well as Adrienne Mason, a great science writer and the editor of Know Magazine. I don't get a chance to see Adrienne often as she lives in Tofino, a five hour drive from here, but fortunately, she was on her way to a science education conference in San Diego. I also met Heather Sander, a local fantasy writer, for the first time. The evening flew by with each of us sharing news and information about recent changes in publishing as well as meaningful ways to connect given the issue of distance. All in all, a great evening.
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