Thursday, August 05, 2010

I love my new i-phone

Yeah, my new i-phone has arrived.  Of course it meant transferring everything, but now I can sync my phone with my computer meaning I don't have to update contacts, calendars, and email on both.  I love it!  And the camera is so much better than the one in my old phone.  Check out the path I'm building around the garden (I'm only about 1/4 done but it's looking good). And, I'm still managing to get in 500 words or so a day on the new novel.  That's  nothing compared to the 3000 words Marsha Skrypuch pulls off (aka facebook status), but hey, I do my best.  And now I'm off to have tea (definitely ice tea today!) with my housebound but 'reads more books in a week than I can in a month' friend, Margaret.

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