Tuesday, June 21, 2011

National Aboriginal Day and Summer Solstice Today

Today is the summer solstice, but also National Aboriginal Day.  I'm hoping to get to a few of the activities to celebrate with my First Nations and Metis friends.  Just about right now, a Salish Welcome Totem is being raised at the Victoria Native Friendship Centre.  I'll be there in spirit, and will try to get down soon to take a picture of it for you.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Guardian's top non-fiction list

The Guardian posted their 100 top picks for non-fiction.  Sadly, there were quite a few of the titles that I hadn't read, but then I do tend more toward fiction, so I suppose I can be forgiven. Here are a few that I read, although I confess that when it came to Hawkings' A Brief History of Time, it was more of a "tried to read" kind of thing.

It makes me wonder if anyone has put a similar list together for kid's non-fiction?

Monday, June 13, 2011

Blink & Caution takes home the Boston Globe-Horn Book Award

Here's a  shout out to Tim Wynne-Jones for winning the Boston Globe-Horn Book Award for fiction.  Way to go Tim!

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Michael Hauge's 6 stage plot structure

Today I'm trying to apply Michael Hauge's "6 stage plot structure" to the young adult novel I've been working on.  He also has a wonderful "Story Concept Template" that I find useful. If you don't know who Michael Hauge is and you have writerly aspirations, you may want to spend a little time on his website. You may even want to order a book or two. This guy is amazing.  I took a two day workshop with him, and I would love to do more.  He gets right the heart of your writing, doesn't mince words, and he's good.  His credentials speak for themselves.

Thursday, June 02, 2011

The Cat is Out of the Bag: Pajama Press

My former publisher, Gail Winskill has started a new press.  I'm super excited.  They are starting out with three fabulous authors, who have all been edited by Ann Featherstone, my long-time editor.  I just know that this new publishing house for children's titles will be great.